Manifest Discord

Manifest’s community goals are simple. Having one-on-one conversations with deep empathy and connecting the dots between as many humans as possible.

7 min readNov 1, 2021

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Here’s to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes… the ones who see things differently — they’re not fond of rules… You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them, but the only thing you can’t do is ignore them because they change things… They push the human race forward, and while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius, because the ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do.

— Steve Jobs, 1997


As of 11/1, at 11:11 AM EST, the stars aligned and with Perfect Timing, the Manifest discord was brought into existence. Visit our discord here.

Manifest does not ask you to be anything other than your true, authentic self. We will always be completely transparent and communicate our intentions.

Our priority is to facilitate a space where you can have meaningful one-on-one conversations with like-minded people because we believe 1 + 1 = 3. Empathy is our advantage.

Self Knowledge + Other Knowledge = Universal Collective Knowledge.


We believe great communities appear when people feel comfortable being who they are. A place with no barriers or artificial walls a blank canvas of community.

We designed our discord to facilitate the flow of conversation, with no useless channels. No wasted space, all role colors mean something. All emojis for roles mean something. Everything has a purpose. There is no such thing as a coincidence.

By connecting the dots between our community, we create something higher than ourselves. By creating those bonds, we create a social fabric that can withstand the roller coaster of the cryptocurrency market for the long haul.

We believe by bringing together Visionaries, Creators, and Builders into a shared space, and giving them the freedom to share their work with like-minded people we can kickstart an array of projects giving them a launchpad to do so.

Visionaries in Manifest are the policy planners, strategists, and proposal-makers. You are responsible for the governance of Manifest.

You may find #visionary chat to be focused on sharing the best ideas and information. Curating the best Twitter accounts to follow. The best people to know. The best resources, books, articles, podcasts, and tools for you to self-evolve.

Creators in Manifest are the artists, musicians, and entertainers. You are responsible for the culture of Manifest.

You may find #creators chat to be focused on sharing art that they have created or very much appreciate from others. Curating the best music, the best art, the best content. Give and receive feedback, share your creations and discuss your favorite artists. This is the place for all creative endeavors.

Builders in Manifest are the hackers, the developers, and the structural core of Manifest. You are responsible for the construction of Manifest.

You may find the #builders chat to be focused on sharing code, resources, security measures and more. Curating the best development practices to help build a safe and benevolent future. Here you can learn from the best, develop your skills and share your knowledge, so you can learn to build yourself to the top.

Manifest is DIFY. Do-it-FOR-yourself. We do not want you to give away your power to others, Manifest is about realizing & actualizing your own power. You’ve always had it. Manifest will just help you realize it. Everything is happening FOR you, not to you.


We care about our collective, we trust you. You are here for a reason. There is no such thing as a coincidence. Our roles are created to evolve you not only through your journey in Manifest, but in your own personal life as well.

Our team roles are the following:

The Vortex — Founding team, responsible for bringing our collective manifestations into existence.

Vibe Curators — Moderators, responsible for curating quality & ensuring everyone feels heard and not just like another name in a sea of usernames.

The community roles are unique, they are selected by our Vibe Curators through one-on-one conversations and by getting to know you in chat and remembering who you are.

Vibe curators have been carefully selected for their immensely elevated souls and we are so grateful to have them be a part of our journey.

Roles are explained below. Higher vibrations have no special perks, besides the ones obtained within. We believe this is the best way to evolve all of our collective to the highest point.

Everyone starts at “Courageous”. They are permitting in their attitude to Manifest, and they believe the power of Manifest is feasible by joining it. They feel affirmation towards themselves to give it a try. This is the process of empowerment, realizing their true potential and power.

Then we go to “Neutral”. They see the value of Manifest, they are enabling it, they contribute to chat, they stick around. They view Manifest as satisfactory, it satisfies them to be there and spend time chatting with people they resonate with. They trust what Manifest can do for them, they are beginning the process of releasing their past biases and belief systems of what is true and what is not.

Next, we go to “Willing”. They begin inspiring others with their work (art, chat history, good vibes, memes, etc.) They are hopeful Manifest can deliver on the claims that it makes and it’s different from the rest of the ecosystem. They feel optimistic about Manifest and are in the process of setting intentions to make it better day by day in whatever way they can.

Moving up, we go to “Accepting”. They feel merciful towards Manifest, compassion, kindness, forgiveness for any minor transgressions that happen in the ebb and flow of life. They view life to be harmonious, everything is connected pleasingly. They feel forgiveness for themselves and towards Manifest for the inevitable disagreements that may arise. They are in the process of transcending higher than themselves, to a larger purpose within Manifest.

Rising yet higher, we go to “Reasoning”. These people are perceived as “wise” to the rest of the Manifest community. They view life at Manifest to be extremely meaningful. They feel understanding towards the true purpose of Manifest and the collective. They are in the process of abstraction, clearing blockages that stand in the way of Manifest’s evolution.

Moving up once again, we go to “Loving”. They are viewed as extremely loving and caring towards the collective & Manifest. They view life at Manifest as benign, favorable, and wholesome. They feel reverence towards Manifest and the collective, profound adoring respect for the mission and the people involved. They are in the process of revelation, sharing profound Truths with a capital T with the collective.

Leveling up, we go to “Joyful”. They are viewed as one with Manifest, they are completely aligned with the collective and spirit. They view life at Manifest as complete, with no sense of lack. They feel the serenity at Manifest and radiate the same energy. They are in the process of transfiguration, visually experiencing the changes that they, and Manifest have brought to their own lives.

Continuing up only, we go to “Peaceful”. They are viewed as all-being at Manifest, their presence is natural and omnipresent, you can directly point to the fruits of their creation for Manifest. They view life at Manifest as perfect, and exactly the way it should be. They feel bliss at Manifest, it is a paradise, heaven, and source of complete happiness. They are in the process of illumination, intellectual & spiritual enlightenment.

The final rank, we go to “Enlightenment”. This is a misunderstood word, usually perceived as unattainable and with many biases and preconceptions attached. Every single one of you can achieve enlightenment. This is viewing life for what it is. Feeling ineffable emotions too great to be described or expressed. Words are merely signposts at this point. Manifest is the citadel of human consciousness and evolution.


What is Manifest not? We aren’t a new-age cult. We are results-driven, “show me the numbers” type people, we seek to understand reality, we seek to accomplish all of our goals for ourselves, our families, our communities, our planet, and the universe at large.

You will not find hippies meditating on crystals, you will find like-minded passionate strivers to help you straight to the top of the games you wish to play. We mobilize, we take action, and finally, we “act as if” we are already who we wish to be, and so we are.

With that being said, we have a new way to organize our DAO, or as we call it, our Collective. It’s blank. A blank canvas of community.

You choose how you want to structure the Collective, you choose what you want the collective to be.

We allowed the most long-term human beings to be apart of our mint. We trust you. We’re so grateful for Olympus, it changed our lives. This project is our show of gratitude.

To become a part of our collective, simply reach out to The Vortex or Vibe Curators, share a bit about yourself and we’ll get you set up :)

With Love,

The Vortex

